Creating a Return Rule

To create a return rule, navigate to the  Policy Rules page from your PostCo 360 dashboard and click Create Return Rule:

In this example, we will create a rule that assigns return shipping fees to customers if they selected the "change of mind" return reason.

  1. Name your Policy Rule by adding a Title, e.g. "Customer-borne reasons".
  2. Select the Priority of your rule (rules with a higher priority takes precedence over rules with a lower priority when there's a conflict in outcome).
  3. Specify your rule's Condition - I will use Return order as the Entity and Return reason as the outcome, checking the box for the "change of mind" reason thereafter.
  4. To assign return shipping fees to customers when the condition is met, define the Outcome by selecting Shipping fee as the Outcome Type and check the Customer Borne box

N.B. if certain outcome options are greyed out, check if they are enabled on your 'Return Settings' page.

We have prepare a list of popular used cases that our brands adopted to. Please refer this page for more.
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