Introduction to Policy Rules

Policy Rules are a powerful tool that can be used to intelligently define outcomes based on specific conditions. For example, you can create a rule to define different return windows for domestic and international return orders (e.g. 14 days for domestic, 30 days for international).

Each policy rule consists of 3 parts:

  1. Priority
    Priorities determine which rules take precedence over other rules when the desired outcome types are the same. Rules can be created with low, medium and high priorities.
  2. Conditions
    For a rule's outcome to come into effect, a condition needs to be specified.

    Example: This condition evaluates whether return requests submitted by customers include the "damaged item" return reason. 
  3. Outcomes
    Once you have specified the condition, you can define the desired outcome when the condition is fulfilled.

    Example: The outcome of this rule is defined to display only the gift card (store credit) and same product exchange return methods to customers once the condition is met.

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