Bonus credit

To discourage your customers from returning for a refund, you can incentivize them with additional bonus credit to opt for exchanges instead. This will also be a great upsell opportunity because your customers now have more to exchange for higher-priced items.

How to set up bonus credit?

You will be able to enable bonus credit in your Exchange Settings. There are two ways to set this up:

  1. Setting up bonus credit by percentage
    1. The credit is calculated by multiplying the returning line item's purchase price by the percentage. For example, if the purchase price is $30 and the percentage is 50%, the bonus credit will be $15. In this case, the customer would have a total of $45 to exchange for a different item.
    2. To cap the bonus, you can enable “Set up maximum bonus credit”.
  2. Setting up bonus credit by value
    1. The credit is set to a fixed amount. For example, if the purchase price is $30 and the value is $10, the customer would have a total of $40 to exchange for a different item.
    2. If you are selling to different markets in different currencies, you can set up multi-currency bonus credit to offer bonuses in the customers’ currency.

How does it look like to my customers?

Once you’ve set up bonus credit for exchanges, this is what your customers will see when making an exchange request:

Bonus credit is available on Premium and above.

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